Health Solutions Inc. – The Feature Story in The Vincentian on February 22, 2013

The Management and Staff of Health Solutions Inc. (HSI) are proud and honoured that the company and its work was the feature story of The Vincentian newspaper in its February 22, 2013 edition.

Pauline Garabedian, Managing Director of HSI, stated that,” a special thank you must be extended to Ms. Desiree Richards and Mr. Cyprian Neehall, Managing Editor and Editor respectively of The Vincentian who really wanted  to assist us by providing extra attention on kidney disease and the dialysis services being provided to Vincentians by our company.”

The feature story once again provided Vincentians and non-Vincentians a better insight into the company and its provision of the ONLY outpatient haemodialysis facility in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

For the full story please click on the following links:

The Management of HSI would also like to thank the following parties for their congratulatory remarks placed in The Vincentian:

Dr. Miriam Sheridan

Bonadie Supermarket

Caribbean Medical Imaging Center

Lewis Pharmacy

Dr. Malcolm Samuel

PH Veira & Co. Ltd.

Sentry Insurance

Metrocint General Insurance Company Limited

Sigma Medial Labaratory Inc.

The Hon. Clayton Burgin – Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment and his staff

Dasco Pharmacy

Wills Agencies Ltd.


It is the media coverage , testimonials from patients and word of mouth that will help persons locally and in the diaspora realize that dialysis is provided in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.






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