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    March is National Kidney Month and the management and staff of Health Solutions Inc. (HSI), the only dialysis service provider in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), will be in the community to increase public awareness and education about kidney health and kidney disease. HSI Managing Director, Pauline Garabedian-DeFreitas stated that “the two main causes […]

  • Kidney Patients Get Donation from the Mustique Charitable Trust

    Kidney Patients Get Donation from the Mustique Charitable Trust

    The Mustique Charitable Trust (MCT), which receives its funds from generous donations from Mustique homeowners, their guests and friends, has committed to donate EC$52,000 to help to defray the cost of dialysis treatment for the many patients who obtain this treatment in SVG. The donation of funds commenced in September 2013 and will last for […]

  • Managing Director of Health Solutions Inc. makes presentation in Dorsetshire Hill

    Managing Director of Health Solutions Inc. makes presentation in Dorsetshire Hill

    On January 25, 2014, Pauline Garabedian-DeFreitas, Managing Director of Health Solutions Inc. (HSI), was invited to to make a presentation at the Dorsetshire Hill Evangelical Church concerning diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) and to highlight the services, including dialysis, that HSI can offer to individuals across SVG. Mrs. […]

  • Managing Director of Health Solutions Inc. makes presentation in South Rivers

    Managing Director of Health Solutions Inc. makes presentation in South Rivers

    On November 24, 2013, Pauline Garabedian, Managing Director of Health Solutions Inc. (HSI), was invited to to make a presentation at the New Life Prayer Tabernacle in South Rivers concerning diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) and to highlight the services, including dialysis, that HSI can offer to individuals across SVG. Ms. […]

  • November 14th is World Diabetes Day

    November 14th is World Diabetes Day

    Today is World Diabetes Day and we at Health Solutions Inc. (HSI) would be remiss if we did not advise persons in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) and beyond about today and its importance.  Diabetes is one of the main contributors to kidney disease in persons in SVG and HSI as the only dialysis […]