HSI Managing Director spreads the word about Kidney Health at the CWSA

On Friday, September 25, 2015,  Pauline Garabedian-DeFreitas, Managing Director of Health Solutions Inc. (HSI), made a presentation at the Central Water and Sewage Authority (CWSA) Headquarters in New Montrose to provide valuable information to CWSA management and staff .

Mrs. Garabedian-DeFreitas was able to openly interact with CWSA personnel and advise them that both diabetes and hypertension are precursors to kidney disease and how HSI can assist with the treatment of these two diseases to ensure that they, separately or together, do not develop into kidney disease.

HSI would like to extend its gratitude to Mr. Garth Saunders, CWSA General Manager and the entire management team and staff who attended for granting HSI the opportunity to make its presentation.







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