NEWS RELEASE – Health Solutions Inc launches its Dialysis Facility in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

The Management of Health Solutions Inc, a private provider of medical services in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, is proud to announce the formal launch of its new outpatient haemodialysis facility in Beachmont.  The launch is being marked by a Cocktail Reception being held at the facility on the evening of February 8th, 2013 from 6 to 8pm with members from the government, distinguished guests, medical practitioners and media invited to attend.

Chronic Kidney Disease and End Stage Renal Disease is on the rise in the Caribbean with many persons from St. Vincent and the Grenadines having to travel for treatment to other countries within and outside of the region for treatment and incur great cost in doing so.  Now there is a local facility to treat persons in need of dialysis treatment that can ultimately improve the health and well being of persons while mitigating the overall cost of treatment.

For more information on the services provided or to visit the facility, the public is urged to contact the Managing Director of Health Solutions Inc, Ms. Pauline Garabedian, directly at 434-3170 (mobile) or 451-2836 (clinic).






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