Welcome to the Official Website and Blog for Health Solutions Inc.

Health Solutions Inc. is a medical services provider in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).

The company has commenced its provision of health services by offering outpatient haemodialysis services to persons in SVG and to those within the CARICOM and beyond.

For persons who are desirous for professional, friendly service using modern equipment and implementing international best practices in its delivery of service, we encourage persons and their doctors/specialists to contact us.

For persons who wish to visit SVG for business or pleasure or have not been home in a while, rest assured that you can obtain treatment during your stay.

We encourage you to post and/or share articles and other useful information on Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), end-stage renal disease (ESRD) among other health conditions so that persons can use Health Solutions as not only a service provider but a forum to learn and educate one another on an array of health issues affecting  all of us in the Caribbean.






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